Once a while, someone will ask me whether Eucalyptus or Peppermint is safe to be used on children.
My answer: YES
However, there is chance that there will be 1 in 10000 children will have breathing difficulties because he/she is allergic to eucalyptol or menthol. Once carrier oil immediately applied or just stop using the oil and drink lots of water, the symptom will diminish. That’s why it’s very very important to t
est patch 1 YLEO at a time.
Peppermint and Eucalyptus are also included in the Gentle Babies book which is written by an experienced doctor and a Young Living leader dedicated for babies and pregnant mums.
Its also important to know the source and quality of your oils. Not all Eucalyptus and all Peppermint from different companies are created equal. Some are created in the lab and are called Eucalyptus and Peppermint even though the source are from chemicals, not plants, because most companies are just interested in taking the majority components of what we can get from plants instead the WHOLE components of the plants which make the oil stable (ever heard of methyl salicylate that’s termed as Wintergreen?)
Another tip from leader in YL (I forgot I heard from who though) that even though Eucalyptus Blue has the highest content of Eucalyptol among YL Eucalyptus range, it can cause the least allergic reaction. Yes, the smell can deter you to use E. Blue, but the benefits outweigh all.

There are 3 types of Eucalyptus in Young Living essential oil:
  • Eucalyptus Globulus – the most common eucalyptus. It is common in commercial vapor rubs, tummy rubs, insect repellents, and many others. Functions of E. Globulus:
    – Promotes health, well-being, purification and healing.
    – Muscles and bones health
    – Oral health
  • Eucalyptus Radiata – the mildest smell of all eucalyptus. It’s often recommended for children. Functions of E. Radiata:
    – Supports respiratory health
    – Supports eye health
    – Supports skin and hair.
  • Eucalyptus Blue – the only eucalyptus with its well-balanced chemistry and its non-allergen effect for all types of respiratory conditions. Only eucalyptus in the world that does not cause an allergic reaction in people who have allergies to eucalyptol. Functions of E. Blue:
    – Helps increase metabolism
    – Muscles health
    – Eases respiratory complaints
    – Stimulating to the hypothalamus, bringing a sense of peace and balance.
    – Great companion to Dorado AzulExclusive to Young Living. TIP: combined with Lemongrass with 1:1 composition for diffuse, it can help body’s immune system to work at its best. The combination is also great to have great night sleep because it’s great to open respiratory airways as well as support adrenal glands.
My friend’s girl will have nonstop cough if my friend is using Peppermint or other Eucalyptus. But with Eucalyptus Blue, she’s fine.
Do equip yourself with Essential Oil Pocket Reference at the very least!
There are many wonderful sources for reading pleasures. I would be happy to recommend some of them to you

Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini 
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com

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