NEW COLOR - Young Living Portable / Car Diffuser (Nebulizer)

Cakep banget warnanya dengan kontras jelas di bagian tombol.

Mudah sekali cara kerjanya, hanya 1 tombol - anak pun bisa menyalakan sendiri

Dalam kotak terdapat:
- 1 x nebulizer diffuser
- 1 x kabel usb-C
- 4 x selang:
2 selang untuk botol 15 ml
2 selang untuk botol 5 ml

Cara pakai singkat dan ganti selang, silakan cek video ya

Essential oil favorit buat mobil:
- Purification + Orange / Lime - mobil jadi wangi dan segar
- Raven / Seasons Essentials - langsung enak nafasnya

Essential oil favorit buat masa ujian / performance review:
- Clarity - diffuse ketika sedang belajar / bekerja (cocok buat ketika mau ujian)
- Motivation - biar semangat belajar di masa mau ujian / performance review

Pastikan ada di rumah masing-masing karena sangat dibutuhkan di masa ujian maupun ketika sedang sakit loh.

Sudah tidak sabar ingin coba? Silakan klik disini


NEW COLOR - Young Living Portable / Car Diffuser (Nebulizer)

The color is beautiful, it contrasts with the button colors.  
And it's very easy to use, with only 1 button. Even our kids can turn it on by themselves.

1 box includes:
- 1 x Nebulizer diffuser
- 1 x USB cable type C
- 4 x Rubber tube
2 Rubber tubes for essential oil 15ml bottle
2 Rubber tubes for essential oil 5ml bottle

There is how to use and change the rubber tubes. Please check the video out.

Source Video

Favorite essential oil for inside the car:
- Purification + Orange / Lime - The car will smell fresh and fragrant
- Raven / Seasons Essentials - For a great breathing experience

Favorite essential oil during preparation for exam/performance review:
- Clarity - Diffuse during study/work (great to use this when preparing for exams)
- Motivation - To boost the energy while studying in exam season

Please make sure you have one in your house. Because it's quite important to have it, especially when exam season or when sick.

Can't wait to try this product? Click HERE to order 


Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini 

Masih ingin tanya-tanya bisa whatsapp saya atau DM saya di instagram . Grup kita adalah komunitas terdiri dari kumpulan orang yang peduli dengan kelangsungan alam, bahan yang tidak merusak ecosystem serta badan, kualitas kesehatan anak dan keluarga, dan pengembangan diri. Gabung dengan kita dalam perjalanan ini.

Want to start using the product? Click this to buy. 
Feel free to ask me questions in whatsapp or DM in my instagram . Our group consists of people who care about sustainability, ingredients that do not harm ecosystem and our bodies, holistic wellness in kids and family, as well as self growth. Join us in this journey.

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