Pertama kali pakai Thieves fruits and vegetables spray, melihat kotoran yang ditinggalkan oleh kulit anggur membuatku sadar betapa selama ini hanya bilas dengan air tidak cukup bersih.
Rasanya jg lbh enak krn tidak ada rasa spt lilin kl hanya cuci dengan air
Tersedia di YL usa sementara ini. Singapore baru launch produk baru yang melengkapi spray ini. Thieves fruits and vegetable wash.
Rasanya jg lbh enak krn tidak ada rasa spt lilin kl hanya cuci dengan air
Tersedia di YL usa sementara ini. Singapore baru launch produk baru yang melengkapi spray ini. Thieves fruits and vegetable wash.
Spray praktis dibawa ketika bepergian

First time trying this Fruits and Vegetable Spray to wash my grapes. I have to say I am amazed to see amount of grime coming out. To think that all of this time, I only lightly washed fruits before eating them.
I have to say, by using this spray, the grapes taste clean (you know without the waxy feeling) and no taste of thieves at all (for those who are scared of Thieves taste)
This only avail in YL USA at the moment, but no fret! Spore just launched new product last Wednesday called Thieves Fruits and Vegetable Wash. It complements this spray.
I have to say, by using this spray, the grapes taste clean (you know without the waxy feeling) and no taste of thieves at all (for those who are scared of Thieves taste)
This only avail in YL USA at the moment, but no fret! Spore just launched new product last Wednesday called Thieves Fruits and Vegetable Wash. It complements this spray.
This spray is convenient for travel. I am not going to travel without this from now on
Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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Masih ingin tanya-tanya bisa whatsapp saya atau DM saya di instagram . Grup kita adalah komunitas terdiri dari kumpulan orang yang peduli dengan kelangsungan alam, bahan yang tidak merusak ecosystem serta badan, kualitas kesehatan anak dan keluarga, dan pengembangan diri. Gabung dengan kita dalam perjalanan ini.
Want to start using the product? Click this to buy.
Feel free to ask me questions in whatsapp or DM in my instagram . Our group consists of people who care about sustainability, ingredients that do not harm ecosystem and our bodies, holistic wellness in kids and family, as well as self growth. Join us in this journey.
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