Suami melakukan eksperimen! wah, ini sesuatu donk
Jadi, beberapa hari lalu, suami saya tiba2 dapet pikiran dia mo fit. Ntah kenapa bisa memaksa diri bangun lebih pagi dan pergi gym. Apa karena bentar lagi dia mo reunian temen SD? Atau emg perutnya dah makin gede dan bisa utk anak maen trampolin?
Sehabis pulang kerja, dia bilang “pegel nih kaki abis gym. lama gak olahraga”
Jadi, beberapa hari lalu, suami saya tiba2 dapet pikiran dia mo fit. Ntah kenapa bisa memaksa diri bangun lebih pagi dan pergi gym. Apa karena bentar lagi dia mo reunian temen SD? Atau emg perutnya dah makin gede dan bisa utk anak maen trampolin?
Sehabis pulang kerja, dia bilang “pegel nih kaki abis gym. lama gak olahraga”
Saya cuman iya-in saja. Ternyata, dia ambil cool azul pain cream dari meja kerja saya donk.
Besoknya dia bilang kalau kakinya dah gak pegel abis bangun tidur. KAKI yang dioles cool azul! ternyata dia gak oles di 1 kaki lagi karena mgk dia penasaran, apa bener pain cream ini bagus.
Besoknya dia bilang kalau kakinya dah gak pegel abis bangun tidur. KAKI yang dioles cool azul! ternyata dia gak oles di 1 kaki lagi karena mgk dia penasaran, apa bener pain cream ini bagus.
Kaki yang tidak dioles, masih pegel. Jadi dia langsung ambil cool azul pain cream, dan oles di kaki yang pegel2 tersebut.
alhasil, pagi ini dia bisa jogging buat makan pagi di hawker center fav kita, makan porsi gede, dan pulang naek bus. Mungkin dia gym biar perut gak tambah gede meski makan banyak kali. Istilahnya, perutny stasis aja lah….
Suatu hari, saya bakal seret dia ajar kelas khusus cowo karena dia telah pakai oil dan suplemen dengan sendirinya tanpa perlu saya sodor-sodorin depan muka.
PS. cool azul pain cream ini juga cocok buat papa saya, dan adek2 ipar saya (semuanya cowo) juga ingin pakai buat pegel2 mereka (kalau datang rumah, free flow oils dan suplemen dan personal care dehhh)
Verdict: mau cowo pakai? cool azul pain cream salah satu permulaan bagus –> terbukti buat papa saya

GASP! My husband did experiment on himself! Let’s toast to that…..
If you want to know why I was so excited, read this story (warning! can be long)
Few days ago, my husband had a sudden thought of being fit. Wah sehh.. really don’t know what comes over him. Is it the coming primary school reunion? Is his beer belly getting bigger and NOW then he realizes it? I am not sure….
If you want to know why I was so excited, read this story (warning! can be long)
Few days ago, my husband had a sudden thought of being fit. Wah sehh.. really don’t know what comes over him. Is it the coming primary school reunion? Is his beer belly getting bigger and NOW then he realizes it? I am not sure….
But he went for exercise in the morning before going to work. THAT particular day.
He came home from work, and said, “long time no exercise, my legs muscles are sore!”
I just nodded. Little did I know, he went to my desk and took my cool azul pain cream to apply on his leg. LEG!
Next day, he told me, “wah, I applied cool azul pain cream on that leg, and morning no pain at all. the other leg I didn’t apply and still sore this morning.”
So there, little experiment he did to himself which he never did before. He normally will ask for stuff if he’s discomfort a year back. Now he can just take whatever he needs. Perhaps he should run MAN class soon as payment as he depletes my cool azul pain cream fast when he slathered it on his leg.
This morning, he went to jog to our favorite bak chor mee for breakfast (and came back by bus). Perhaps, that’s why he wanted to exercise few days back, so that calories from bak chor mee doesn’t stay inside his body. Guilt-free eating
Verdict: this cool azul pain cream works like magic for guys in my family. My dad was the first one and still using. My hubby now will look for this for his sore muscles. My brotherS-in-law look fwd to use it when the come here for holiday. Want to start your guy on YL? This is great choice!
He came home from work, and said, “long time no exercise, my legs muscles are sore!”
I just nodded. Little did I know, he went to my desk and took my cool azul pain cream to apply on his leg. LEG!
Next day, he told me, “wah, I applied cool azul pain cream on that leg, and morning no pain at all. the other leg I didn’t apply and still sore this morning.”
So there, little experiment he did to himself which he never did before. He normally will ask for stuff if he’s discomfort a year back. Now he can just take whatever he needs. Perhaps he should run MAN class soon as payment as he depletes my cool azul pain cream fast when he slathered it on his leg.
This morning, he went to jog to our favorite bak chor mee for breakfast (and came back by bus). Perhaps, that’s why he wanted to exercise few days back, so that calories from bak chor mee doesn’t stay inside his body. Guilt-free eating

Verdict: this cool azul pain cream works like magic for guys in my family. My dad was the first one and still using. My hubby now will look for this for his sore muscles. My brotherS-in-law look fwd to use it when the come here for holiday. Want to start your guy on YL? This is great choice!
Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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