Banyak orang yang sering merasa kekurangan energi karena berbagai alasan. Kurang istirahat, stress, kurang nutrisi, kurang olahraga, daya tahan tubuh rendah, dsb dsb. Tahun baru adalah waktu yang tepat untuk me-reset energimu. Caranya? Tantang dirimu untuk rutin mengkonsumsi...
Read more...Commercial sunblocks are loaded with chemicals. Recently, FDA has banned the sprayed sunscreen because the ingredients may cause irritation to eyes and other sensitive parts of the body. IF it’s irritant to body, why do we still want to use that?
Do you know that once the lotion touches our skin, our body absorbs the ingredients? So the chemicals will still reach our system even though it’s outer skin application. Our system will...
Read more...Do you know that once the lotion touches our skin, our body absorbs the ingredients? So the chemicals will still reach our system even though it’s outer skin application. Our system will...