Seiring dengan berjalannya umur, lutut papaku mengalami kerusakan. Tulangnya mulai keropos dan juga engselnya berkurang oli. Setelah operasi untuk membersihkan tulang-tulang pecah di lutut, dia tetap mengalami kesakitan kalau berjalan dan mengandalkan obat-obatan dari dokter (bukan cuman obat kaki, dia banyak minum obat lain seperti...
Read more...This 2015 launch never fail my expectations. Let’s just say, I will piak this on myself after tiring day. You know, when you go out with kid and have to bring out many stuff and your kid still wants you to hold her hand. Other hand is full of stuff (read: groceries à I am so auntie now), the other hand is packed food (because I wake up late most of the time and no time to cook lunch) and I...