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Seiring dengan berjalannya umur, lutut papaku mengalami kerusakan. Tulangnya mulai keropos dan juga engselnya berkurang oli. Setelah operasi untuk membersihkan tulang-tulang pecah di lutut, dia tetap mengalami kesakitan kalau berjalan dan mengandalkan obat-obatan dari dokter (bukan cuman obat kaki, dia banyak minum obat lain seperti...
Read more...Recently, I had this conversation:
Friend: Deny, I took YL Lemon EO internally and now I have this and that. When I checked the label, it’s said not for ingestion. Oh NO!! <inside head must be,” did I make a big mistake?”>
Let’s get this straight. In Singapore (and other countries EXCEPT USA), Young Living is...
Read more...Friend: Deny, I took YL Lemon EO internally and now I have this and that. When I checked the label, it’s said not for ingestion. Oh NO!! <inside head must be,” did I make a big mistake?”>
Let’s get this straight. In Singapore (and other countries EXCEPT USA), Young Living is...