Hormonal Balance for Happy Women
If one asks you whether you have hormonal imbalance, chances are, you wouldn’t know whether you have it UNTIL someone or something pointed it out (if you do have one). And after you’re caught off-guard, then the discomfort comes (sometimes, ignorance is indeed a bliss). So folks, if you don’t wanna know, stop here! Don’t read further. You’ve been warned.
Here you go! Hormonal imbalance common symptoms:
1. Persistent weight gain
2. Difficulty losing weight
3. Low libido
4. Fatigue
5. Anxiety, irritability & depression
6. Mood swings
7. Insomnia and poor sleep pattern
8. Sweating (hot flashes, night sweats)
9. Gas, bloating, slow digestion
10. Cravings
11. Dry skin and hair loss/ unusual hair growth
12. Acne
And here is a list of more severe symptoms that can follow:
1.Severe menstrual cramps
2.Irregular menstrual cycle
3.Yeast Infection
5.Breast cyst
7.Polycystic ovary syndrome
Few other symptoms I noticed are headaches prior to menses, numbing sensation on arms and other body parts, lower back pain during menses. I have imbalanced hormones and that compels me to learn about healthy hormones. I used to have menses every 2-3 months, sometimes longer. In this modern life, artificial coloring, artificial flavors, addictive, and many chemicals are introduced into our system through daily exposures.
Here you go! Hormonal imbalance common symptoms:
1. Persistent weight gain
2. Difficulty losing weight
3. Low libido
4. Fatigue
5. Anxiety, irritability & depression
6. Mood swings
7. Insomnia and poor sleep pattern
8. Sweating (hot flashes, night sweats)
9. Gas, bloating, slow digestion
10. Cravings
11. Dry skin and hair loss/ unusual hair growth
12. Acne
And here is a list of more severe symptoms that can follow:
1.Severe menstrual cramps
2.Irregular menstrual cycle
3.Yeast Infection
5.Breast cyst
7.Polycystic ovary syndrome
Few other symptoms I noticed are headaches prior to menses, numbing sensation on arms and other body parts, lower back pain during menses. I have imbalanced hormones and that compels me to learn about healthy hormones. I used to have menses every 2-3 months, sometimes longer. In this modern life, artificial coloring, artificial flavors, addictive, and many chemicals are introduced into our system through daily exposures.
Have you recently noticed the ingredients in the packet of spices? Or in your shampoo and body wash (paraben, SLS, fragrance – normally synthetic)? Or in your facial products? Recently, I have been noticing and it’s quite scary. Some ingredients are even listed as cancer-causing agent. THESE ingredients create havoc in our body system, especially to those sensitive ones. It’s not easy to avoid these ingredients because once a while, I will be introduced either knowingly (well, sometimes my cravings beat my resolve) or unknowingly (you can’t question the hosts/hostesses about their choice of food or drinks, right?).
But I can do something to support my system.
It’s pretty simple actually. This is the graph of our common hormones – progesterone and estrogen. Balance this, and most probably you will be off to a great start. (the graph is in Indonesian, but it’s pretty much depicted English version)

Deny Sentosa
(Crown Diamond Leader #1415910)
Whatsapp (+62-821-7734-4515) disini
email: deny.sentosa@gmail.com
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